Termite Control

Suspecting a termite infestation in your space?

Our team of modern-day ghostbusters is here to help you fight off the haunting threats of termites. We offer a professional termite inspection, bait system, and elimination system that would best suit your home, school or business.

How do we know if your place is infested by termites? Here are some of the definitive signs.

Have you been seeing a large group of flying insects drawn to your porch lights or lampshades during the night? These flying termites are called swarmers or alates. It means that there is a termite colony nearby, and them swarming in and around your place is the first sign of infestation.
Though similar in shape with ants, these white or translucent crawlers that usually come in groups are the soldier termites. Their role is to defend the colony against intruders.
Worker termites are noisy eaters. You can hear their quiet,munching sounds if you put your ear close to any wood that they have infested. In other cases, the sound is produced by their shaking bodies or banging heads. They use these to give outsignals for danger.
If you have a termite infestation at your place, you might discover holes on your skirting boards and door frames. Termites work by consuming dry wood from the inside out. This causes thick timber pieces to become brittle.
Worker termites must stay in moist conditions and away from enemies like ants to deliver eaten woods to the rest of the colony. They get through long paths and barriers withthese small mud tubes made of moist soil and excrement.

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